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4 Reasons Your Business Needs Video Conferencing (and 1 Reason it Doesn't)

Why Video Conferencing?

THE WORLD IS CHANGING In a globalized economy, the ability to be somewhere without going there, meet with people on the other side of town or even the other side of the world is becoming vital. Dispersed teams, particularly ones with Millennials, are demanding modern communication tools.

Gone are the days of waiting to get the team together. Today getting the team together right now is the competitive advantage that businesses are looking for.

Affordable, scalable visual communications are now possible without the pain and hassle of older generation technology. The Logitech “Four Reasons Your Business Needs Video Conferencing (And one reason it doesn’t)” is your guide to this global revolution, written for you to consider how video conferencing can transform your organization, and the lives of your people, for the better. 3


1 - Evolving Workplace

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Millennials are now the largest generation in the workforce. This generation has a fast-paced and entrepreneurial mindset. Millennials look for opportunities to continually learn and grow. Baby Boomers and Generation Xers are more likely to accept that there are restrictions on what can be done with technology in the workplace, Millennials are not. As a result of these cultural changes, organizations looking to recruit and maintain the very best talent need to think differently about the workplace.



2 - Speed of Business

The ability to do more with less is the very

essence of productivity gains, and for

organizations to be more successful,

they need to constantly look for an

advantage over their competitors.

Telephony, Fax, Email, and IM, are all

successful examples of this trend.

Video conferencing is simply the latest

incarnation of the constant need to be

more efficient.

Video conferencing won’t replace all travel of

course, but the ability to have spontaneous

face-to-face meetings, irrespective of distance,

without having to wait for the next scheduled

meeting can have a huge effect on an organization’s

productivity. In fact, 90 percent of people surveyed agree

that video meetings are more efficient than alternatives.


3 - Work Life Balance

When does work start and finish? The idea that the office is where you work is becoming antiquated. The vast majority of workers will read and respond to email outside of “work hours” indicating that the line between when the workday ends and personal time starts is

blurring. Additionally, the average American now spends almost an hour a day simply getting

to work and back home. It seems that no matter how many roads we build, traffic

gets worse. Commute times have increased by over 20% since the 1980s. There has to

be a better answer. Studies have shown that working from home has the same happiness effect as a $40k payrise. But working from home with just a telephone and Internet connection

also has disadvantages. Management may think workers are disengaged or feel lonely and isolated. Video conferencing empowers workers to feel connected to the team, enabling them

to participate at a level far higher than simply being a disembodied voice at the end of a phone line. With over 24% of Millennials now working from home and more and more Baby Boomers working part time, the time is ripe for a serious change in the way the office is viewed


4 - Business Continuity

Fire. Flood. Hurricane. These are real business risks, and businesses need to be prepared. All organizations need a business continuity plan for catastrophic failure. Video conferencing can help mitigate against these terrible but thankfully rare events, as well as more prosaic, day-to-day hiccups that can wreak havoc on businesses. How often do executives find themselves late to a meeting because of unaccounted for travel times? How often does a flight get cancelled, or traffic get so bad that an executive, client, or supplier simply can’t even make the meeting? All these missed opportunities to move business forward can push back decisions, inevitably slowing down business. The opportunity cost of a delayed new product launch, or a fix to an existing product issue can be enormous. DON’T TAKE THIS RISK. VIDEO CONFERENCING ENABLES THE MEETING TO HAPPEN, THE BUSINESS TO MOVE FORWARD AND DECISIONS TO BE MADE, EVEN WHEN YOU CAN’T MEET IN PERSON.


Why Not?

For much of its history video conferencing has been sold as an alternative to business

travel—a way to replace business class flights to another continent. However, twenty-

five years of this approach has proven this isn’t the case. People still need to meet, break

bread, and immerse themselves in the culture on the ground. The human connection still


The real power of video conferencing is the ability to meet right now, and to maintain

and grow relationships either started in person, or to start a relationship with a view of

meeting in person in the future.


Connect Your Workforce With Logitech

Focused on innovation and quality, SPOR AV's partnership with Logitech® is about connecting people through digital experiences. Logitech is the world leader in video collaboration tools.Logitech’s products provide razor-sharp video and crystal-clear audio so affordable, any space can be a video-enabled collaboration space. Compatible with all leading collaboration apps — like Skype® for Business, Cisco Jabber®,Zoom, BlueJeans, and GoToMeeting®— Logitech products are a breeze to deploy and use.Want to learn more about Logitech Video Collaboration products?

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